A family member or a relative

Good Morning FAU Bloggers:

Today I'd like you to write about someone from your family. It could be a brother or sister, one of your parents or another relative (uncle, aunt, cousin, etc). I'm going to write about my brother Adrian. Well Adrian, or Ade, or Ady or Adie (AD?) as we like to call him, currently lives in New Zealand with his wife and 2 kids - Ella and Freya (although both have left home now). He was a happy child, always joking and trying to make people laugh. One of his nicknames as a kid was "Billy Whizz - after a comic character who did everything very quickly. Ady had a good temperament and rarely got angry. He learnt carpentry when he was a teenager and now works repairing violins and cellos and making groovy furniture. Ady is 18 months younger than me and we've always had a great relationship. He is someone you can depend on and is always ready to help out if things are complicated or you have a problem. The rest of the time he loves fooling about and playing music. He is a very good guitar player and an excellent violin player. He taught himself both instruments when he was younger. He is very perseverant. When he starts something he makes sure he keeps working on it until its right. Mostly, he just makes me laugh. I haven't seen Ady since 2019 because of the pandemic but we still talk every couple of weeks on WhatsApp or Facetime.

This is a link to the band he has with his wife:


Write about someone from your Family.


Who it is,

What they do,

What they are like,

What sort of relationship you have with them.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

This is a remix I did of one of Ady's songs:) I just love his guitar and violin playing.

Billy Whizz:


  1. Did you play instruments together with your brother, like in a band?

    1. Unfortunately, No. We have played live a few times (once in Scotland & once in New Zealand). We always make music when we see each other and we´ve recorded a few songs together but nothing series. We always seem to be living in different places to each other.

  2. You must miss your brother very much, I hope you can see him soon.

  3. I can't imagine myself that far away from a family member.

  4. I don't know if I would be able to repair a violin or a cello, but it sounds like a very satisfying job.


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