Test Practice

 Hi Fau Bloggers!

The aim of English 4 is to reach the English Level of B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This is the most complete and exhaustive study of language competence ever mapped out. It was launched in 2001 in connection to various European languages but has it origins in a document on the English Language published in 1975.

This is what a B1 learner can do in terms of range - how big a vocabulary you how much grammar have, accuracy - in terms of grammatical control,  fluency - how naturally you speak, interaction - the ability to engage in conversation, coherence - whether you effectively communicate your message.

Next week we have our final written and oral tests. 
The oral test is an i-minute individual activity and a short conversation in pairs. 
The written test is based on activities found in a well known B1 test. 

Today I'd like you to carry out practice activities in preparation for your written test, specifically the listening and reading sections:


Do ALL notes & multiple choice sections

Then the readings below





Write a short post (50 - 100 words) about how difficult/easy you found the activities.

Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.


  1. I enjoyed this activities a lot! I'm gonna do more to get good enough for the test!

  2. Hi teacher. In my opinion the activities are difficult, especially the "listening", but are interesting

  3. It is useful to have these practice tests for the real test.


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