Welcome to your English Blog class. Today you have to create your blog, link your classmates and write a short post about yourself (no personal details!!!). Finally, you need to leave a short comment on my blog.

So, my name is Simon and I'm your English Teacher this semester. I'm British. I was born in Wales, but form the age of 6 I lived in England. My family on my mother's side is Irish so I'm a bit of a mix. I have 5 sisters and 3 brothers who all live in the UK except for my brother Adrian who lives in New Zealand. I've lived in Chile since 1998 but spent 2019 to 2022 in China.. I'm married to a Chilean and we have two cats - Goku & Aiko. My hobbies are playing football and making music. My hopes and dreams include releasing more music (I've released 5 albums and 2 maxi singles so far this year - check them out on Spotify!!!!) and travelling. I would love to go and visit all my friends in China and my beautiful family in the UK & New Zealand:)

The Higginson Tribe (1970).

Write a 150 word introduction of yourself.

Include information about your family, hometown, school life, university, hobbies, hopes & dreams.

Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.


  1. Was to diiferent the chinesse culture? How was this time in China?

    1. It was an amazing experience. In the big cities you don´t notice that much cultural difference but it´s very obvious in smaller cities and villages.

  2. How great that there lived in so many places!

    1. Travel helps you get a good perspective of the world but living in a place for 6 months or more gives you a special outlook on that culture. It´s very rewarding:)

  3. How does it feel to have so many sisters and brothers?, in Chile its not very common

    1. It´s wonderful. Even though we don´t see each other so often we still keep in touch frequently. 7 of my brothers & sisters have visited Chile (some 2 or 3 times:)

  4. Replies
    1. Yes. It was great fun growing up.I always had someone to play with (ha, ha)

  5. the cat is called goku jajaja cool !!!

  6. Is a nice family photo, I like black and white photographys

    1. It´s because it´s an old photo (from 1970), however, I also love black & white photos.

  7. I would like to see photos of Goku and Aiko. How do you select the name of them?

    1. I chose one (Goku) and my wife chose the other. We were studying Japanese at the time.

  8. They are very beautiful, slightly overweight and too dependant on me & my wife. Goku is like a naughty child and Aiko is his bossy sister. Sometimes they fight (normally when Goku is hungry). There names are Japanese:) Goku means Monkey (he´s name after Goku from Dragonball), Aiko means ¨beloved daughter¨.

  9. I would like to see picture of Goku and Aiko

  10. I always wanted to adop a cat. Have you tought about adopting another one?

    1. I would love to but it´s complicated living in an apartment. Aiko & Goku are sister & brother and they either love each other or hate each other, which causes lots of complications. Really they need to be outside. Previously, we had another rescue cat (Kat) for 17 years. I miss him.

  11. wouu, beautiful family you have


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